
Lineart is about the struggles of decisions and how they affect the life of a person or the life of an artwork. Before I start a piece I have to make some major decisions that will affect the artwork the most. For instance: How big is it going to be? What Pen will I use? Is there a concept or do I just get going? Where do I start? How many lines are there going to be? If you consider a Line to be an aspect of your life, the size of the piece your own greatness, the Pen your character and so on, then your creator (if there is one) would have had to make the same decisions when he started creating you.

Once I’ve started a piece I have to follow the decisions I made before I started, but there are still many occaisons that force me to make further decisions that will affect the Piece. It gets interesting, when I get accross a Point where I can decide to ignore a decision I already made to try something new. I can’t change the size of the piece easily, of course, bit it’s still possible. Until now I’ve never thrown off a decision I made before I started, but with the ones I make during the creation of the piece I do it quite often. There are still some decisions that cannot be undone. If I close a space on the sheet, so that no other line fits in, it’s closed forever and stays white.

There are decisions I need to make before I start, there are the ones I need to make while creating, but there are also the tiny little ones I make while drawing a line. Where do I go now with this line? Right? Left? Oh, there’s an interesting spot, I could fit it in there! These little decisions are the most interesting to me, they simulate chance. I make those decisions on such a low level, that one of them alone can’t possibly affect the piece as a whole. But all together they certainly can! However, the way they affect it, I can hardly control.

I can see and feel when a lineart piece is getting older and weaker. There may be not much space left for new lines. Or the piece is close to it’s form I wanted it to have in the beginning. I know exactly when it is finished and this is the point where it dies.

The Artist

Art is rather fragile. It can be destroyed in many ways, but to be created, it needs a lot of complicated circumstantial settings. I don’t do artwork, if I’m not feeling like it. I need to have a quiet room where I can be alone. I need a wall in it with a very smooth surface to draw on. I need big sheets of Paper, a pencil, a pen, some cord, pins and… time.

I do this because I need to. I have these pictures in my head, but I need to see them. I feel like it is something that has to get out of me. It wants to and I want it to. And if there is an opportunity to show my art, I certainly will. If someone wants to buy it, why not? But I will never do it to get some money or to become famous. That would be a violation of my own creative impulse.

For a Living, I work as a drawer in Architecture, but I hope to be able to replace that in the future with designign everyday objects as an Industrial Designer. I am currently in an internship, where I can have my first work experience as such. After that I will finish my studies with the last two semesters and a bachelors degree. What I’m going to do afterwards I don’t know yet.

If you want to know more about me and my Industrial Design Projects, visit